Exhibitions information


Japan Novel is exhibiting at the booth in "Datacenter Dynamics Tokyo 2014" on December 9, 2014.at Shinagawa Prince Hotel.

At the exhibition, we will introduce a solution to perform the datacenter management efficiency by demonstrating a data center environment monitoring system "iDCNavi" and a server rack management system "UnitPORTER.Navi".

We are looking forward to seeing you at the Exhibition.

Exhibition Overview

Name DatacenterDynamics Tokyo 2014
Date Tuesday, December 9, 2014 from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Venue Shinagawa Prince Hotel (Minato-ku Tokyo)
Organizer DatacenterDynamics

Exhibition contents

Product 1

Data center environment monitoring system - iDCNavi


"Visualizing" temperature, current, etc.
Supporting stable operation, energy efficiency for a data center.

It is a system which measures and supervises the temperature, current, etc. of data center. Early detection of abnormalities and cause specification can be performed under supervising the measurement data of a multipoint in real-time.

iDCNavi : Data center environment monitoring system - flier (PDF)

iDCNavi - Official website (Japanese)

Product 2

Server rack management system - UnitPORTER.Navi

Visualizing "contents" of a server rack.


It is a Web system for integrated management of all the information of equipments in the server rack. The system assures a secured and energy efficient operation for a data center not only by specification information for each instruments or supporting information for software but by monitoring the measured value of temperature or current, etc. in real-time. The system is also useful for a remote monitoring of server racks through its Web access capability.

UnitPORTER.Navi : Server rack management system - flier (PDF)

UnitPORTER.Navi - Official website (Japanese)