Mobile terminal protocol conformance test – Vendor Test

Japan Novel Corporation provides a third-party verification service for mobile communication applications used for cell phones, smartphones, tablets, Wi-Fi routers, communication modules, TCU (Telematics Control Unit), etc. For the mobile terminal protocol conformance test, we verify that the protocol operation is in compliance with 3GPP and GSMA by mainly checking the protocols.

Track record

Japan Novel – Mobile terminal protocol conformance test: Track Record
Devices evaluated
  • Cell phone terminals (Smartphones)
  • USB dongles
  • Mobile routers
  • Communication modules
  • TCU(Telematics Control Unit)
Protocol 5G, LTE, UMTS, Wi-Fi

Test environment

Tests are done for the following:
  Mobile terminal protocol conformance tester (BS simulator)
  Real network (Field test)

Simulator/Real field

Mobile terminal protocol conformance test – Test flow

Test analysis
Test details – Review
  • Checks for compatibility with carrier IOT.
  • Focused for new functions.
Test plan
Establishes a test schedule.
Test design
Verifies the test items.
  • Determines whether to develop the test scenario.
  • Determines whether test items can be executed.
Develops test specifications.
  • Develops the test procedure specifications.
  • Develops the pass/fail requirements.
Test –
Develops the scenario.
  • Develops a scenario for the mobile terminal protocol conformance tester (BS simulator).
Executes the test.
  • Pass/Fail - Determination
  • Defect report
  • Scenario correction
Prepares and submits the final report.

Related technologies

Expertise in the Qualcomm chipset

Japan Novel also develops protocols such as air-interface and data communication controls. In particular, we have extensive knowledge and experience with the Qualcomm chipset. We also have extensive knowledge and experience with product development where we integrate other types of products (i.e., home information appliances) with mobile terminals.

Embedded product development support for mobile terminals

JN's area of service : Middleware, Main CPU, Qualcomm Chip
Mobile terminal development: Japan Novel’s area of specialty

Test automation system – Proprietarily developed

Japan Novel automates integration testing with the mobile terminal protocol conformance tester (BS simulator) by using Quality Commander, the test automation system developed by Japan Novel.

Embedded Software test automation system: Quality Commander

Automatic integration testing with the mobile terminal protocol conformance tester
Automatic integration testing by the mobile terminal protocol
conformance tester and Quality Commander. (Concept)

Wireshark log auto-check tool

This tool automates the test items that check the communication log by automatically checking the logs obtained by Wireshark (former Ethereal). The Quality Commander automatically controls the BS simulator and mobile terminal and obtains the Wireshark communication logs.

Mobile terminal log analysis tool

This tool converts the terminal logs that are output in text format into arrow chart to visualize the flow of the logs.

Automatic control by AT-command
– Automating the test items that need the opposite terminal

AT-Command controls the opposite terminal in the automatic test using the Quality Commander, and automates the test items that need the opposite terminal. You can operate the buttons of the opposite terminal in CKPD that is defined by the 3G Standard Specification (TS27.007).


Inquiries by phone


Reception time 9:30-17:30 (Weekdays) JST

Inquiries in the form

Please feel free to contact us for any questions or requests.

  • “Qualcomm” is the registered trademark of Qualcomm Incorporated.
  • All other trademarks cited here are the property of their respective owners.